Richard Hawley

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Author:  ShedsClaire [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:00 pm ]
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My sister used to live in doc martin's, well not literally, she isn't the little old lady who lived in a shoe!

God i'm bored today!

Author:  sunflower [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:02 pm ]
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ShedsClaire wrote:
God i'm bored today!

im still dead busy! its not fair i want to arse about on here! :(

Author:  The Baroness [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:03 pm ]
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Claire you should decorate your desk! Show that scrooge of a boss that somebody has a bit of christmas spirit! :wink:

Author:  ShedsClaire [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:03 pm ]
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I'd swap any day, i'll do your job, you can come here and put up with my bully of a boss!

Author:  sunflower [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:06 pm ]
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ShedsClaire wrote:
I'd swap any day, i'll do your job, you can come here and put up with my bully of a boss!

k. then i can show him where to ram his wrapping paper :D

Author:  ShedsClaire [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:06 pm ]
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Author:  mylifesexample [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:07 pm ]
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eah Claire, make some paper chains out of the supplies.

Author:  beeshette [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:49 am ]
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Labels in vintage clothing are like little works of art........little signatures woven into 'real' know like in the days when we used to write...........

Author:  mylifesexample [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:33 pm ]
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I do remember those days....I wrote out 10 christmas cards last week and my arm muscles were in agony :roll:

Author:  Winston Smith [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:24 pm ]
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Society is being dumbed down by a relentless diet of mass market consumerism and sensation seeking.

The ideal consumer goes to the counter to by the "sole” burger and before he/she sits down forgets what they've ordered and feels the "need" for another.....goldfish attention span just the way they like us.

We are supposed to be suspicious of one another, envious and resentful led by the implanted "hooks" of operant conditioning to make choices worked out in boardrooms and cabinet offices.

Divide and conquer.

"How many fingers am I holding up Smith?" :idea:

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

i agree totally.........our value system is totally fucked,we know the price of everything and the value of a society i don't believe in us much any more........the near collapse of the banking system has shown to me what is really important to some people,commerce first........people last

wrong as wrong can be.......surely commerce should be for the benifit of people? :eh?

Author:  Eoin [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:52 pm ]
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Richard Hawley wrote:

wrong as wrong can be.......surely commerce should be for the benifit of people? :eh?

commerce is for the benefit of people, but only the select few and especially not those who need to feel the benefit most.

Author:  Winston Smith [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Richard Hawley wrote:
i agree totally.........our value system is totally fucked,we know the price of everything and the value of a society i don't believe in us much any more........the near collapse of the banking system has shown to me what is really important to some people,commerce first........people last

wrong as wrong can be.......surely commerce should be for the benifit of people? :eh?

I totally agree Sir!! Hello by the way I'm a newbie!!. You have just repeated one of my most often spoken sentences the price and value…. sterling!!

I cant help feeling like we are just being led like overweight lambs to the slaughter!

I'm watching the culture around me being engineered ala 1914-18 to get all the younger fellas thinking the Army is like an extended camping trip really!!

The strings are just being blatantly pulled its scary! And what of public outrage or even awareness? All the youngsters today have never known a strong union movement or the "notion" of, as you say commerce in the service of people and not the reverse.

The labels thing is just the symptom isn't it? the disease goes much deeper and I believe is rooted in (brace yourself old fart moment immanent) your and as it turns out my belief that society knows how to price everything, slap a bar code on it and commoditise it, but has really lost the essence of valuing the feelings and relationships which make life a heaven or a hell. Does anyone feel a sense of outrage that banks can be bailed out but family's can't.....why?? Why aren’t the majority moved to anger by this example of outright hypocrisy? Because we’ve been manipulated into being numb by one violation of our rights after another. By the banality of cruelty and a contempt for humanness which is the hallmark of those who regard people as cattle to be herded and sheered like livestock.

I absolutely reserve the right to defend my intrinsic self worth and knowing that makes me value everyone else for who they are as well.

I also feel that compassion used to be taught as a high achievement and perhaps that wasn't such a and socks and sandals idea after all!

Turns out being true to ourselves is the basis of truth with everyone. And accepting our own gentleness is the key (in my humble opinion) to the feeling basis, and not just the lip service of morality. It’s a shame that those who control, sorry "represent" us know how to find our Achilles heels and set us against one another, they call it business as usual I think.

It’s our unity they fear most.

Author:  Winston Smith [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eoin wrote:
Richard Hawley wrote:

wrong as wrong can be.......surely commerce should be for the benifit of people? :eh?

commerce is for the benefit of people, but only the select few and especially not those who need to feel the benefit most.

Could it be that the shiny Neo Liberal consensus is only for the old tie brigade?? surely not. It feels more like upstairs downstairs (now I'm really showing my age) to me to be honest.

We need less talk and more action, less fluff and more real jobs for real families not fat cats closing businesses down in this country to open them in a place with no labour laws and protection for workers so they can widen the already huge gap between haves and have nots!!

Global markets my aunt fanny it’s the rich giving it to the poor and calling it “business” isn’t it?

They’re just able to hold a gun to the heads of workers across the world now with the threat to their livelihoods that if they dare to demand humane and equitable treatment they will relocate to somewhere with less “overheads” like bathroom breaks and healthcare?

They don’t want first world consensus they want third world consensus, we will soon all be equal alright, equally oppressed!!

Sorry, I may have burst a blood vessel.

Author:  Big Louise [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Retailers should pay me for wearing their bloody labels. Anyway I don't wear labels on my chest or on my arse, because I don't care. If the clothes are nice and good quality, I don't care who made them.

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