Richard Hawley

Not as good as you hoped you would be
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Author:  lynne [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Not as good as you hoped you would be

We got evacuated last Tuesday for 24hrs, due to gas leak in the road outside. Had a little time to get a few things together. I always thought i would coped reasonably well in a small crisis. I was useless. I grabbed the cat, my kindle, ipod and box of wine. A few clothes for us all[youtube][/youtube]. I went, with the cat to my mums. Daughter and husband went to older daughters house. After 12 hours, I started to get sad, and home sick. Pathetic. Im really quite ashamed of myself. What on earth did/do people when they are bombed out and there is no home to go back to.

Author:  loftyeric2 [ Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Not as good as you hoped you would be

I've often wondered about that scenario. I suppose in the case you experienced, the danger was being closely monitored & in all liklihood the chance of damage to life & property was fairly minimal, with the evacuation being a sensible precaution. Perhaps in some part at the back of your mind you'd thought this too & maybe even there was some small sense of annoyance, for the disruption & wanting just to get back to normal. I guess when folks are bombed out there's the enormous shock of it & then the relief of having escaped. Still, I don't know how you deal with that if it does happen. I think, going back to the war, people coped didn't they, as there was no choice. That & I really do believe people were somewhat different to how we are now. And grabbing the bookcase, wireless set & several bottles of wine would have slowed them down rather ;) Still, they'd hopefully have got the cat out!

Author:  lynne [ Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Not as good as you hoped you would be

Think thats how i thought i would be. "Spirit of the blitz" Id heard stories of my nan, grabbing 3 kids and the dog, getting down the shelter and singing! That was definately a different time, and certainly a hardier generation. Maybe make a list of personnel effects that are most important, just in case.

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