Richard Hawley

O2 Academy Brixton 3 October
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Author:  Richard Hawley [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

I only had a few guests all of whom are most definite not knobs I doubt KT Tunstall and Jerry Dammers fit that description nor does mr lammar or my mates Steve and Emma or Bob and sandy all old old friends who're mad for music why we're mates :oops:

Author:  helenwatson [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

He was no Jerry Dammers and she no KT Tunstall... And I am sure that your lovely friends wouldn't have talked very loudly about themselves so the rest of us poor bastards behind them couldn't hear. x

Author:  Poppy Dog [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

My mates Uncle once built a studio with Jerry Dammers back in the mid 70's - he was described as a loveable nutcase - description applies to the Uncle and Jerry Dammers ...

Happy days - still don't look back n all that ..>

Author:  arne saknussen [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

helenwatson wrote:
Yes Egg, I think Pops is right. One of them had an over-enthusiastic woman on each arm – strange, as his attractive qualities were absolutely lost on me and my three discerning female companions. Maybe rather than simply being a huge knob, he just had a...x

huge wallet? :roll:

Brixton Academy is pretty bad for the talkers, or "tossers" as my mate Dave likes to call them, in my experience. Its like they take it as being no different to just another night in the pub rather than a music event. Dave was actually very impressed with Richard's no nonsense approach to them. Dave normally deals with the situation by tapping them on the shoulder and then shouting "TOSSER" in their face. He's only 5' 4", fuck knows how he gets away with it. :*:

Author:  Eoin [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

I think a lot of it is say people who are there with their other half and some other friends who may not be interested but tag along for the night and just dont give a shit and dont really have the intelligence or the respect to understand that just because they don't give a shit.. well hey there are maybe the other 198 people in this venue who have been looking forward to tonight for a long time.

What I do not get is that you wouldnt do it say in the cinema where people go to watch the film they paid to go and see in comfort and silence. I never get why this courtecy all be it by only some is not extended to people who pay to see gigs and the artists too. It also seems that when in my experience anyway you ask somone nicely or point out that it might be an issue you only get some shit like " well I paid to get in too so I'll do what I want" type shit. Which is why I'm not at all polite in telling some cunt to shut it these days. The best was a few weeks ago nwhere Justin Townes Earle told a group of drunk cackling young ladies to "just shut the fuck up or get out" , it wasnt polite but needs must and all that. Audiences too need to police themselves sometimes people.

Author:  Marie Happe [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

The thing to do is not sit upstairs, but always stand and squidgy up near the front - no talkers there, only listeners x

Author:  Eoin [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

ohh totally, I agree the further from the stage the more likley you are to encounter those who lack the interest and general manners to be quiet but I've been in situations nearer the stage on occasion that proved the exception to that too. In smaller venues if you get some mouthy fuckers it donest really matter where they are you will hear them regardless. Either way.. for me roll on Vicar St. if the crowds and indeed the gig itself are half as good as those previous gigs in this same venue then happy fuckin days.

Author:  Poppy Dog [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

Maybe on the next album there could be a few tracks listed:

1 Hey fucker shut yer hole
2 Fuck off yer gobby shite
3 For those who want to yak fuck out the back

Would get the message across...

It's weird some places seem too 'reverential' and others have a contingent that have no 'respect' - i's like we're all looking for that Goldilocks gig.

<I'm trying to get the Goldilocks thing to go viral - you know one of those 'push the envelope' bits of shit - obviously it means 'just right' - feel free to use as often as you like...Don't tell me someone's been using it for years... >

Author:  arne saknussen [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

For those that weren't there here's Richard sorting the fuckers out :*:

Author:  Poppy Dog [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

Let's hope that was recorded and forms a part of a live LP :Hoorah ..>

Author:  ladyblue [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

Rubbish review, don't you think? Can't stand The Standard. Sneering news for dullards from the Home Counties... x
The Telegraph did a lovely review next day.. and I can't believe that was Marie sitting on the Tube in front of us.. sorry I didn't get to say hello Marie, I had to jump off pretty quick and get back to the suburbs.. took bloody ages too as my trains were fooked !! Enjoyed the gig immensely but have to say I agree with Richard (and most folk really) too many bloody talkers !! drove me and Helen fucking mad... but then we had gatecrashed onto the 'reserved' seats bit (didn't see any stars.. although spotted mark lamarr at the Royal Festival Hall a couple of years back )... Would love to go to the little noises gig at such a lovely small venue but probably won't make it.. its not easy for me to get to and I live in fear of missing the last train (which nearly happened Wednesday)
Standing is probably the way to go.. i'm just getting a bit old !! xxx :cry: :cry:

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

You and me both love and I've got no option.....unless I break a leg :roll: :*:

Author:  RP [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

I normally go near the front at gigs and to be honest haven't been distracted by anyone talking. I tend to go to gigs where everyone is dancing so it's not really a quiet audience vibe.

I think if you pay a lot of money to see a gig and it's a sit down thing, and it's a proper performance (not just a band as part of a night) then it's stupid to talk over the top. And if it spoils anyone's enjoyment then people certainly shouldn't do it.

I personally prefer jazz clubs where people are allowed to talk though. As long as it doesn't drown out the music, it adds to the atmosphere.

Author:  helenwatson [ Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

ladyblue wrote:
(didn't see any stars.. although spotted mark lamarr at the Royal Festival Hall a couple of years back )

Standing is probably the way to go.. i'm just getting a bit old !! xxx :cry: :cry:

Definitely no-one famous, just legends in their own lunchtimes. And just can't do the standing thing anymore – not because I'm too old but because I'm a midget! I used to be 5ft 3 but only know that because I was arrested in my youth and got measured at the police station! But am sure that I have shrunk since then, in the kind of old lady way that happens. Always get stuck behind some incredibly tall bloke with lots of hair and spend the gig staring at someone's armpit and seeing nothing. Might as well pay £35 to stand in the Tube at rush hour with my i-Pod on.

And Pops, like your track listing. You are a man of superior linguistic talent. x

Author:  katikins [ Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O2 Academy Brixton 3 October

We were stuck behind the biggest man ever at Sheffield last week. I ended up with a crick in my neck as the only way I could see was to lean. At least he was quiet and didn't go to the bar every five minutes like the idiot in front of him!

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