Richard Hawley

Forge Dam...
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Author:  Joe_A [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Forge Dam...

Well it was hard through the winter doing my usual sunday morning trip with the kids. (we skipped a few weeks I'll admit) But it felt so lovely that for the last two sundays I feel proud to be sitting in the BEST park caf in sheffield.

Cold knees under the table, massive mug of tea and the hugest breakfast known to man (complete with hendersons for the beans)...staring at the yellow pegboard and the wonders it has seen (as a designer i STILL dont know what to describe that colour so i shall call it from now on, forge dam cafe pegboard yellow). then another coffee to take out and sit by the bottom of the best slide in the world and watch your kids kill them selves on it (depending on what jumper or coat they are sitting on)- always funny if there is the puddle that collects at the bottom...

ahhhhhh sunday morning blisss...

My daughter can put away a breakfast there like theres no tommorow - as long as it comes with a milkshake (thats a propper bright pink milkshake not with ice cream and such!)

you can keep your endcliffes... with the new fangled moster frames and swings that face each other for some reason...

just my opinion but I had to share...shame its only wednesday. I feel hungry now.

Author:  NickD [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I love Forge Dam. Spent many happy hours there as a kid, including falling into the dam when I was 4, and have always been a regular visitor with my own kids. Top, top place.

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:25 am ]
Post subject: 

i am walking there today

Author:  NickD [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:41 am ]
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That'll be a really nice walk from your gaff, chief. Hard to believe that you are so close to the centre of a major industrial city when you are in that neck of the woods.

Author:  Joe_A [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:49 pm ]
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Richard Hawley wrote:
i am walking there today

awwww wish i was. have a cuppa for me please

Author:  Joe_A [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

NickD wrote:
That'll be a really nice walk from your gaff, chief. Hard to believe that you are so close to the centre of a major industrial city when you are in that neck of the woods.

ironically hundred years or so a go you would have been in the middle of it there...

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:05 pm ]
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just come back,ace day...hardly anyone around just me the dog and the birds singging in the trees......the dog went in the river and is now covered in mud,right off to pick the kids up tarra

Author:  spt [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:55 pm ]
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I live up the hill from there and it's a regular weekend haunt for us - we've probably coincided in the park and/or playground Joe. My eldest is two and a half and, though she has been down the big slide, prefers to sit at the bottom on the left hand side and watch the older kids shoot off the end.She also loves to rides the horse toy which Jarvis Cocker muses about when describing the cafe in Wickerman.

I love the cafe for so many reasons - but my fave detail is that cappucino and espresso are listed on a separate sheet headed up "Posh Coffee" - makes it feel like pushing the boat out when I get one for my wife...

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:44 pm ]
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i love that sign very very sheffield

Author:  Joe_A [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:50 pm ]
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that horse is great. My cousin used to work there (one of the feme de forge dam) when she was a teenager and said it drove her mad...

my two like to ride it at the same time - finn gives eve a "backy"

richard - very jealous of you today whilst sitting staring out the window at the sun. There were a lot of dogs with a soggy underside there on sunday.. they love it dont they

Author:  loftyeric2 [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:30 pm ]
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Richard Hawley wrote:
just come back,ace day...hardly anyone around just me the dog and the birds singging in the trees......the dog went in the river and is now covered in mud,right off to pick the kids up tarra

You've taught the dog to sing already? In a tree? wow :*:

Author:  Steve Lane [ Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:43 am ]
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I do a lot of walking in the Peak District, and have found myself encroaching on Sheffield in the search for new walks. Must put Forge Dam on the list of walks to do this year.

Cheers, Steve.

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Joe_A wrote:
that horse is great. My cousin used to work there (one of the feme de forge dam) when she was a teenager and said it drove her mad...

my two like to ride it at the same time - finn gives eve a "backy"

richard - very jealous of you today whilst sitting staring out the window at the sun. There were a lot of dogs with a soggy underside there on sunday.. they love it dont they

If you listen to the lyrics of Wickerman by Pulp Jarvis mentions that horse

Author:  mylifesexample [ Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:51 pm ]
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used to walk up to Forge Dam with the dog all the time when I lived at Hunters bar.

Have you managed to walk to Rivlin yet?....that'd be a walk!!

Author:  Joe_A [ Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

i'm walking right through from endcliffe this morning..bacon sarnie then walking back. get the kids on their bikes!

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