Richard Hawley

Sheffield - an 'outsiders' view!
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Author:  Woodseats Traffic Jam [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Sheffield - an 'outsiders' view!

I just wanted to express my appreciation for the great city of Sheffield and it's fine friendly people.
I moved her almost exactly 12 month's ago after spending all my life o'er t' big hill in Manchester and I absolutely love it here.
The Sheffielders are a similar breed to Mancunians IMHO in that they are a warm heated, friendly people who talk to you at the bus stop or on the tram, even though they don't know you - do that in London and people think you're f*cking crazy and want you locked up.
Also, I look forward to taking walks at weekend around Wyming Brook, the Botanical Gardens [which are stunningly presented], the Porter valley, Rivelin valley, Bradfield, Millhouses park, Eccleshall woods - the list is endless. I used to read about the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire and thought the place would be run by idealogical extremists, but I know realise that public money is spent in areas that most of the public can enjoy the benefits - The parks department who look after Sheffield's green spaces and protected ancient woodlands, public projects like the Peace Gardens are really attractive and then the tram system albeit limited, is a great resource to the city's people.
I know the council hate car users but I've got to learn to live with that and be prepared to buy 2 new sets of steering bushes each year!
I can even go out on the bevvy of a Friday night in 'town' without getting my head kicked in by some f*ckwits - a pleasure very rarely granted by the f*ckwits of Manchester and district!
Then there's the 'proper' pubs, that have real people serving real beer, where you can have a chat at the bar on your way home from work, and take your dog in with you at weekends - there's still loads left in Sheffield - all these pleasure that are being taken away due the closure of the old fashioned street corner pubs which are being replaced by rapidly by souless Wetherspoon type places.
Then I got to thinking - what do Sheffielders think about my old stamping ground of Manchester? I was reading a book by Stuart Maconie entitled 'Pies and Prejudice - a view of the north' in which he said that 'Manchester has fancied it's self rotten for years now' and now as an outsider from Manchester, I can see exactly what he was getting at !!
PS. I recomend this book - it's both very funny and incredibly observant.

Author:  cpaws [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:54 pm ]
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Ive just come back from a night out in Manchester, visiting friends ( and managed not to get my head kicked in)
I lived there for twenty years and now live in Barnsley just north of Sheffield.There are many similarities between the citites.... industrial past, on its arse in the seventies and eighties, friendly people (although i think its a bit of a cliche) a rich history of music etc. The thing that i think links the two cities is the deep sarcasm and cynicism in the humour and general dourness of the people... a trait i love in people.
I think its a bit daft to choose between them, both have good and bad bits, places i would and wouldn't want to visit, but if i had to, Manchester would win hands down.
I also read Stuart Maconies 'Pies and Prejudice' and he doesn't have a lot to say about Sheffield which is surprising but he does have a lot to say about Manchester and its 'swaggering arrogance'. Part of that percieved arrogance is due to Tony Wilson and his tireless promoting of Manchester through his various media outlets.
After the IRA bomb Manchester had a long overdue renaissance creating,in my opinion,one of the best cities in Europe,with a brilliant choice of bars and night life.It is also a city that really supports it's creative industries.
Yes , you can still find traditional boozers in the city centre and in the beautiful surrounding countryside which just like Sheffield is only minutes away. However last night i discovered a pub i uesd to frequent in Chorlton is now a Tesco Metro!

Author:  Richard Hawley [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:55 pm ]
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got loads of really really great old and new friends in Manchester,don't know what its all about really........t'aint where your from.........its where your AT that counts........good and bad everywhere isn't there?Both cities have their unique merits,i don't like blanket positives or negatives if i can help it.

Author:  Woodseats Traffic Jam [ Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:29 pm ]
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Hi cpaws,
Totally agree with you about Tony Wilson - he certainly was a visionary and a great promoter and lover of Manchester.
After looking at my original post I realise that it looks like I was promoting Sheffield to the detriment of Manchester - I didn't mean to.
I just wanted to say that the people here have helped me settle in a lot quicker that I would have ever expected.
I would still never venture into certain parts of Manchester though - don't forget that I was from the rough end of town! - The part of town where the police walk around in 3's - inside the police station!

Author:  cpaws [ Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:47 pm ]
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Hi Woodseats,
I suppose i sprang to Manchesters defence because i have nothing but good memories of good times when i think of it, AND because all my mates are still there who i miss terribly.
Yes Richard, its not the place its the people your with.

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