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 Post subject: Bankers!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:05 am 
Too much time on my hands
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I just watched a dispatches program about those *$$^** Bankers. I have felt annoyed with them for some time because the people at the poorer end of society are picking up their tab and what a tab, over 1 trillion. Then I see in this program that they are taking that money and speculating with it in the same way they did before and giving bugger all to businesses that need investment. Looking at the figures on that program we would be better to take back the money now and let them all clear off. Because contrary to what the politicians say, they are contributing nothing, really nothing they are just parasites gambling at our cost. Now we have the tories in nothing will be done to sort them we just wait for the next crash when their gambling sessions don't go so well. It is so bloody annoying to think that so many people are to become jobless and homeless because of them.

Ah well I guess it's just the same old story of the rich doing us over. Same as the old boss!


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:40 am 
The Boss
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twas ever thus,i believe a tiny handful of people make decisions that affect the whole world and it ALL revolves around money,i am reading a book about the history of the whale and whaling,the poor old whale funded every war with its oil,it fed nations with its blubber,got turned into margerine,fertiliser,fed our children in"vitamin health products",lubricated our space ships and deep sea chronometers as its oil doesn't freeze and covered our hands with its blood for centuries before we woke up to the horror of what we had done(or the fact that the whale was nearly extinct and therefore couldn't make the corporations any more money,oh and the fact that whale meat,oil,products are now so contaminated with strontium 30 and other lovely side effects of mans messing with shit he shouldn't be messing with,that anyone who consume's whale products is likely to die of cancer or some other life shortening illness,the whale will have its er...the companies have walked scott free after centuries of abuse and exploitation.....oh and er.....all you Japanese,Icelandic and Norwegian readers of this forum have a care.......the whale is in all your bodies you still use whale products for all of your societies needs from soup to soap)

where was i.........oh yes money.............i am not a hippy,i don't have"dream catchers"at the end of my bed,i have a one year old dog instead :roll: ..............but i think it was red cloud who said"one day,the white man will can't eat money"

The UTTER INSANITY of our refusal to seriously engage with climate change,deforestation for logging(money again)endangered species(currently a hundred species of plants or animals a MONTH are being wiped out forever)and other insane practices that are already seriously affecting our planets ability to sustain life,our own included folks,........the utter fucked up pointlessness of all those"climate conferences"run by fuck wits who refuse to deal head on with the issues and fumble the ball EVERYTIME...................i wonder how long all those big piles of gold,diamonds and jewels will keep those bankers from dying of hunger,thirst,or being melted by the sun once the ozone layer is gone?

jewels,gold and diamonds are forever.......people aren't........Dylan said"money doesn't swears"

sorry to hijack your thread mate but i am along similar thought patterns at the moment.......i seriously think all those bankers should just simply be taken out and shot,i am surprised at how placid we have been over it all,they have been revealed at last for all their evil practices that have been going on for centuries and we have done fuck all about it,don't look to the limp dick politicians to sort it out and punish them they are being bought one way or another too

in a nutshell...............c"""s the lot of em


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:03 pm 

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all too true.

but i realised ages ago, you should always remember when talking about bankers, property developers, multi national corporations, oil companies etc, just substitute the word CAPITALIST and the scales will fall from your eyes.

don't forget, they really are ONLY interested in the profit for themselves, otherwise why the hell would they go around destroying all the things richard talks about ?

hard to imagine so many people voted for these f*ckers but in the end, sadly, most people are selfish and can't imagine that we're all in this together.

as i hear more and more about cameron and osborne's proposals i can't help thinking the people will take to the streets before long. sorry to make it party political but that's where we're at.

bring back the free trade hall

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:22 pm 
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Sorry but I need to take issue with several things on this thread.
Not all bankers are fat cats
Most workers in the financial industry are ordinary people not getting big bonuses.
(Think you need to differentiate between bankers and investment bankers.)

The majority of bankers in this country earn less than 20,000 p a and
work in support areas they might do in any other industry, customer services representatives, IT workers, admin assistants. In other words, ordinary people getting ordinary salaries for doing ordinary jobs. Most bank workers in this country don't earn huge salaries so if you asked how they felt about the bonus culture in the City, their answer would probably be the same as yours.

It's no secret that bankers are not the best-loved people in Britain just now but it's wrong to say they should be lined up and shot.

My fella is a banker, he works in the city of London, he understands the public's anger – in fact he shares it.

ok, be angry are angry at the few individuals who are actually responsible for the mess we're in.
but please don't tar them all with the same brush, it's really hard for me to hear the man I love being spoken about with open hostility from the public and the media.

Of course, the industry as a whole must take responsibility for its failures, even if those failures resulted from the actions of a few. But the risk is that, in the desire for recrimination, the public loses sight of the fact that some banks are actually doing their best to try and be a force for good. The co-operative for example which invests ethically, and the bank my other half works for which provides project financing for industries and businesses, in developing countries

His Bank invests only in projects that could not otherwise attract financing on similar terms and works in 29 impoverished countries which don't have a good banking infrastructure, one of the projects they have been involved in is managing nuclear safety and decommissioning funds. The biggest of these is for the transformation of the destroyed reactor in Chernobyl into an environmentally safe state which will transform the lives of people who live in close proximity to it.

NOt all banks are bad and not all bankers are baddies!


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:35 pm 
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Agreed, trouble is those at the top running things are not that interested in these people. I don't remember the exact figure but it is a very small percentage that the banks are putting out for business investment and a massive percentage for..well gambling. Apparently this american guy Obama has appointed wants a division between between bankers that speculate on stocks and bonds and those that don't but the banks are very good at squirming their way out of it. Trouble is when a profession gets poisoned from the top it's difficult for their employees. I'm sure not all MacDonalds staff want to poison their customers but....

I have a soft spot for the Co-op and John Lewis partnership they are more like the way businesses should be run but sadly their principals seem to be getting eroded little by little. Sad when it should be the other way around and other businesses should be following their examples


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:44 pm 
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if there was a proper deterent such as the possibility of some of these people spending time behind bars or taken out and shot even better. There isnt. If I deceide to steal or rip off a business or an individual my ass more than likely goes to jail. But banks can do this to millions of people through their greed driven incompetency ? They have fucked up so many people and now they are fucking more people in the ass by not lending to small business in the times where these people actually need it most. Screw the economy, screw everyone else. How are some of these fuckers not behind bars ? are they not accountable to governments ? I dont understand it but I think it does go back to what Rh was saying that there are a few people at the very top running this planet for their own interest and that of their associates its back to what jarvis said cunts are indeed running the world.

I saw an elsebound train, on the overpass
In the driving rain, every ticket costs the same
For where you can't go
Mustang horses, champagne glasses
Anything frail anything wild
It's the price of living motion, what's beautiful is broken
And grace is just the measure of a fall.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:49 pm 
The Boss
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Bradford lass,to be clear i said"a tiny handful of people"so to be even more clear i wasn't talking about people who work in Banking AT ALL,if you read what i wrote it is pretty clear who i am aiming my anger at.I drink in fagans that has a lot of banking staff who come in who i am very friendly with,i also have a brain and can distinguish between a fucking capitalist shit bag and a someone who shuffles money about behind a glass screen. :evil:


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:50 pm 
The Boss
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Eoin wrote:
if there was a proper deterent such as the possibility of some of these people spending time behind bars or taken out and shot even better. There isnt. If I deceide to steal or rip off a business or an individual my ass more than likely goes to jail. But banks can do this to millions of people through their greed driven incompetency ? They have fucked up so many people and now they are fucking more people in the ass by not lending to small business in the times where these people actually need it most. Screw the economy, screw everyone else. How are some of these fuckers not behind bars ? are they not accountable to governments ? I dont understand it but I think it does go back to what Rh was saying that there are a few people at the very top running this planet for their own interest and that of their associates its back to what jarvis said cunts are indeed running the world.

correct,i refer you to my earlier point,have the fuckers shot


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:54 pm 

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The reason we're going to see hundreds of thousands (600,000 if newspaper reports are to be believed) of jobs lost over the next two years is because a shit Labour government bailed out the bankers, while they carried on paying themselves bonuses and ruining the world we live in.
And I know what you are saying Bradford Lass but your bloke works in a bank, he's not a banker. He works there, he doesn't own it. It's a bit of a headfuck, if you don't mind me saying. Just cos you work the land, doesn't mean you enjoy the fruits of it, does it?
And the Co-op bank is about the only one that can have any moral or ethical claims to doing the right thing – the rest of them are all dross.
Think if we all saw ourselves as workers, who help produce wealth but have no control over how it's spent, the world would start to be a better place.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:33 pm 
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Well I think I've managed to understand this after reading it a couple of times...

Pretty much the definition of obscene.

I can't get my head around it, never will - how much money is *enough* for these people? Maybe it isn't even about money with them once they've earned so much? Must be the "buzz". But the fact that things like 'derivatives' (if I understand them correctly) are even entertained & allowed, especially in the above case, is beyond me. They're just playthings that have no worth to anyone but the unimaginative idiots that deal with them.

I'm as sceptical as Eoin about whether there'll be any kind of comeback for them & I think, indeed hope, that all the countries that are about to undergo "austerity measures" do a Greece.

new websites!


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:36 pm 
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Richard Hawley wrote:
Bradford lass,to be clear i said"a tiny handful of people"so to be even more clear i wasn't talking about people who work in Banking AT ALL,if you read what i wrote it is pretty clear who i am aiming my anger at.I drink in fagans that has a lot of banking staff who come in who i am very friendly with,i also have a brain and can distinguish between a fucking capitalist shit bag and a someone who shuffles money about behind a glass screen. :evil:

Fair enough. I shall climb down off my high horse.

I also direct my anger at should the Bank of England for continually lowering interest rates every time the property market looked like it might have a blip and at credit card and mortgage providers for encouraging irresponsible lending to individuals who could not repay their loans and investment bankers who give traders ridiculously cheap loans.

We're told most of those individuals responsible for the mess we're in have subsequently lost their jobs, so what, big deal, they aren't going to starve, it's those who are left to mop up the mess and deal with open hostility from the public who I feel for.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:19 pm 
The Boss
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If you want a definition of pure distilled evil,just read the article Snapper posted,i find it hard to get my head around the fact that we share this beautiful if somewhat troubled and flawed planet with people who i can only describe as cockroaches,they are despicable and i really really believe we should shoot them like the vermin they are.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:16 pm 
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Don't have a lot more to add here except that you really must go beyond shouting at the papers/telly and get out on the streets. Organise for a bailout of services and jobs!

I was arrested at a protest the other week on a dubious 'public order' offence, while all the real crooks went into their €1300 a plate banquet. These are the people who are slashing the wages of the police and all, then I get banged up by them, it's a totally mad system! (was released without charge)

For any Irish members here I'd recommend you read the TASC report 'Mapping the golden circle' too.

Anyway here's the whole thing summed up pretty well


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:09 pm 
The Boss
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i think they are playing with fire slashing the police wages and cutting they're jobs....not very sensible to kick the dog that guards you


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:33 am 

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helenwatson wrote:
because a shit Labour government bailed out the bankers,

sorry, but i'm not having this.
the only choice to make was to bail 'em out.

were you wishing for a new great depression ? a re-run of the jarrow marches ?
the collapse of the western economic system won't do much for anyone's health and well being.
you don't happen to be in the swp do you ? cos i can't think of any other reason you'd wish for it.

suggest an alternative, please.

bring back the free trade hall

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